Audience Theory with Digipaks
Digipaks are not consumed the same way as most other media. When we think of an audience, we think of a crowd of people watching a movie or listening to music. But with digipaks, it is directly to one audience member at a time as they see the digipak of the shelves or advertised. A digipak is a proxy piece of media to lead the audience to the CD or DVD inside.
Different models I have discussed previously here can still be applied to digipaks.
Effects of the digipaks can still be seen if the audience is say, an impressionable child, and they see a digipak with a disturbing cover, the media will have a distinct effect on them.
The opposite of this is gratification, in terms of digipaks, the covers and such are used as an icon for social media interaction, which is useful in the marketing of an album because a picture will always gather more attention than a text post.