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Physical CDs VS Digital

In the rise of online media and commonness of a shut-in lifestyle, it is growing more and more appealing to buy music and other media digitally rather than ordering or going out and buying physical copies. According to a study released by the BFI (British Film Institute) the comparison in sales and popularity of physical and digital shows they are fairly equal based on purchases, with digital being a tiny amount higher. 


In recent years, a third party of this argument has emerged in the renewal of Vinyl records.This method of listening to music has attracted the demographic of people or prefer things old school, or traditional. Apart from this, there is an argument the the sound quality it better on vinyl than either CD or digital.  While it's figures are not in the same league of either CD or digital, there is a certain novelty value that has converted many physical and digital customers (Mainly physical) into buying almost solely on vinyl. Despite being much less common place than physical and digital, it is undoubtedly the fastest growing of the three formats, as shown below.

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