Digipak and Magazine Replicas
I started by finding a suitable model that looked similar enough to Ed Sheeran in the original, focusing mainly on a similar nose and hairline, as those are in the most relief in the original. I also used a subtle orange lens-filter to start me off on the editing. I used a half filter so that only the left side would be affected. I did this because in the original, the shadowed left side of Ed's face is covered in more orange than the right. So I orientated the lens and controlled mt setting's shadow accordingly.
I used the filter option in Photoshop to create the main effect, not only making my image orange but trying to recreate the speckled, dotted theme as well, which I think was quite successful. There were certain areas such as the left-most eye and the bottom right corner that needed extra attention, as the filter did not make those exactly like the original cover.
I took measurements of the original advert in order to assure my replica's size and proportions were accurate. I then searched for a similar font, narrowing down my search by looking for serif fonts. I could not find the original font used, as it was custom made for this advert.